The torture of good intention.
Doing something is so much better than thinking about doing it.
So, Seth Godin keeps convincing me to write a blog post daily. He has been doing it for 20 years now. And I do not have any reason why not to do it, apart from the resistance in my mind.
But along with this intention of writing a post daily, came a heaviness. Rather, the longer I carried this heaviness, the heavier it became.
The heaviness of choosing what I will write about and when I will write. The heaviness of deciding whether I write it on Medium or start a Wordpress blog. Should I send it to my mailing list and work on growing it. What would this person think when they receive my daily email. How would I feel when they unsubscribe.
Instead of planning my post for today, a few minutes ago, I just published it. It took less than 10 minutes and it was out there. And I no longer felt the heaviness of writing today’s post.
PS. This, I think, is true for a lot of things. Workout. Meditation. Reading. On the contrary, this never happens for Instagram, YouTube, Binge Watching and binge eating.