Would that help?

Saurabh Mithal
1 min readMar 30, 2020

In the movie Bridge of Spies, Tom Hanks’ character James Donovan has the following exchange more than once with the character Rudolf Abel, who has been accused of being a Russian spy during the cold war:

James Donovan: Aren’t you worried?
Rudolf Abel: Would that help?

Everyday, we have two choices. To worry or to act. Very seldom can we do both on the same day.

The default setting of our mind, based on our hunter-gatherer ancestory, is designed to worry. Survive and procreate has been a priority always.

It is upto us to move beyond the default and choose not to worry. As Seneca said, we suffer more in imagination than in reality.

I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened. — Mark Twain.

